Saturday, December 31, 2011

84 inch"Ultra-Definition" (UD) TV from LG

Also debuting at CES 2012 is this behemoth TV measuring an unbelievable 84 inches. With 8 million pixels, a 3840x2160 resolution, 3D capability, LG's Smart TV ecosystem, which claims over 1,200 apps to its name, this TV sure holds some promise over a fabled Apple TV rumored to come to fruition in 2012.

Source: Engadget

World's Largest OLED TV by LG to debut at CES 2012

January 9th in Las Vegas, Nevada LG plans on unveiling its new OLED television to press and conference members. LG claims to have overcome price an practicality barriers that companies face during manufacturing with this new TV set. When will you have this in your home? That's anyone's best guess but look towards the ninth for more info!

Source: Engadget

Notre Dame creates "paint-on" solar cells

"The paint mixture incorporates quantum dots of titanium dioxide, which is then coated with either cadmium sulfide or cadmium selenide, and is then suspended in mixture of water and alcohol to create a spreadable compound that's capable of generating electricity" -

What applications does this have in the future? Perhaps exteriors of cars will be sprayed with a more efficient coating of this that could supplement a hybrid engine or even, dare we say, a completely functional-practical-economically feasible electric car!?

Source: Engadget

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dual Shock Controller on the ASUS Transformer Prime

This ASUS Transformer Prime has the ability to take input from a Sony PS3 dual shock remote. The user claims only some games recognize it, and even then some require it to be attached by USB wire. There is no root needed to use this, so it's essentially plug-n-play! For those curious souls the game he playing is Shadowgun and it being run off an emulator. See more at the source!

Source: Reddit 

LED Cube Light Demo 8x8x8

This LED light cube was set up to move in sync with the music being played! It creates some awesome designs, and the YouTube user put a link to a DIY in the description. Build one yourself, or buy a scaled down version over at Think Geek! Source links are below. 

Source: DIYThink Geek

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tron Watch - Kisai Seven - Tokyo Flash

This Tron inspired watch was built by Tokyo Flash based off a graphic concept design generated from a Tron fan. You can tell the time on this watch based on the gaps in light on the inner, and outer circles. The watch comes in white and blue light displays and will run you about $139.99 new from Tokyo Flash. Unfortunately, they are sold out although the company made an unofficial statement on their YouTube page saying they will reproduce the design in early 2012 due to popular demand. Check it out at the source link below.

Source: Tokyo Flash

Laser Virtual Keyboard

This futuristic keyboard uses lasers to sense finger placement on the keyboard projection. It's  not likely it would be a practical replacement for a writer, but hey if you casually type, why not check this bad boy out? Buy it now at Think Geek for $179.99 when it comes back in stock. See the source link below.

Source: ThinkGeek

Samsung Flexible OLED Demo

Putting the annoying music of this video aside, this demo really shows the true potential of the flexible OLED concept. This screen isn't perfect though. The more the user bends it, the more flaws in the screen become apparent. Display technology is upping its game, potentially reinventing the mobile phone industry and the core values it holds such as size, durability and practicality. 

Source: YouTube

Samsung AMOLED Transparent Screen Display

This fantastic new AMOLED screen gives users a superb opacity level that is lower than ever before. Check out the video and see for yourself at how this new concept technology is being implemented. One can only wonder what applications this may have in the future with  shopping displays, computer monitors and dare we say, tablets? 

Source: YouTube

Drive a car with your mind!

Using a headset that measures electrical signals in your brain, this car and its supporting computer software can be driven with just your thoughts! The user focuses on a cube on a laptop display and uses the cube to give visualization to the cars steering. Currently, the researchers are working on accelerating with thought control, and they do acknowledge a slight delay from the time the action is thought and executed. Regardless, this is definitely some cool emerging technology to look out for!

Source: Engadget

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Flyboard lets people swim like dolphins

A crazy new water sport vehicle designed by Franky Zapata that lets the operator move through the water like a dolphin! It uses powerful hydro jets to power the user up to 30 feet up into the air.  Coming in at the equivalent of $6,509.16 USD this adrenaline rush of a ride can be yours today!

Source: YouTube

Wearable Sony Concept Computer

This concept computer is a flexible OLED touchscreen device. It has a slide out keyboard and is earmarked for a 2020 development date. What kind of operating system do you think this would run? Android, Windows, PlayStation suite? See the source link below for more details.

Source: Yanko Design

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flexible Carbon Nanotube Skin

Researches at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab just unveiled their carbon nanotube mesh that is extremely flexible, light, cheap (in mass production). The carbon nanotubes are some of the most flexible ever designed by researchers.The hexagonal patterns allow for mesh-like wrapping of the conductors around a baseball as seen in the photo above. Berkeley sites a plethora of potential uses stating it could be used for, " electronic pads that could be folded away like paper, coatings that could monitor surfaces for cracks and other structural failures, medical bandages that could treat infections and food packaging that could detect spoilage". Check the original article at the source.

Source: Berkeley Labs

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sir Isaac Newton's Notes Available on Line - Cambridge University

Isaac Newton's personal notes are now available digitally online due to the efforts of Cambridge University. There are 1031 pages that are free for anyone with internet access to peruse. Fair warning, all of his notes are in Latin as this was the scholarly language back in the day. Check it out at the source link below.

Source: Cambridge Digital Library

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Real Tron Light Cycle! Buy it for $55,000!

Check out this real light cycle straight out of Tron Legacy! Made by Hammacher Schlemmer, this sleek bike  is powered by a fuel-injected Suzuki 996cc, 4-stroke engine. Read more from the official description with a video after the break!

TED: The surprising math of cities and corporations by Geoffrey West

A great intellectual TED talk given by Geoffrey West. It focuses on the real-life applications to diminishing returns and explains how they affect urban and corporate growth. This lecture has so many applications and its concepts can be useful in a multitude of ways. Definitely a must watch.

Source: TED

Friday, December 9, 2011 - Pocket a little extra coin and have fun!

If you've never heard of Fiverr, then you don't spend enough time on the internet! This is a great site where people can buy and sell "gigs" which range in genres from art to business for the flat price of just $5! There are some really interesting gigs listed by some real interesting (and talented!) people! See the source link below.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Virginia Tech - Shooting 12/8/2011 LIVE ADUIO

Reports are that shots have been fired on campus.

Shots fired in parking lot. Student is described as a white male, gray sweatpants, gray hat, with neon brim, maroon hoodie and backpack, bushy black hair. Reports say police are on the scene. Suspect is on foot. A police officer has been shot, he is dead.
Apparently the shooting took place when the suspect was approached during a traffic stop.
Second victim killed
One person surrendered at the performing arts building but was not arrested.
Reports of shots fired near the performing arts building.
Possible shots outside Torgersen Hall. Possible shots fired outside of Johnson Hall.

Multiple suspects.

Second victim dead. Reports are victim was not an officer.

Students being put on lock down in Squires Student Center, shots reported near there.

More updates will be posted as they come in.

One possible suspect going to be questioned, last name Lealy.

SWAT has finished a search of Squires, no suspect found.

FBI is on campus, ATF agents too.

Shooter at large, police warn people to still stay inside.

Police now searching residential neighborhoods.

All signs point to the second victim as the shooter. Police believe this is the shooter, but claim they did not kill him. They will not comment on whether the second victim committed suicide or not.

Police don't believe shooter was in the car that was stopped for a traffic stop.

Slain officer identified as Deriek W. Crouse. Condolences go out to his wife and children.

Suspects may have ties to a local armed robbery, this is just speculation but the descriptions of the individuals are similar. Source: WSLS

Live report from local news: WDBJ7

Check out live police audio hear: Police Scanner

Source: VT, Virginia Tech Facebook Page, Police Scanner

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - Save so much cash, you'll actually have money in your wallet

Check this site out, it has probably the best deals on the internet. It's a collection of online editors that scour the internet looking for the lowest prices on just about any item. They do a hell of a good job too. Best thing is, they tell you whether that is the lowest price they have seen or not so you know you're not getting hoodwinked by some bogus 20% off $400 coat sale. Source link below!


Plasma Speaker Project on Kickstarter

A group of students students are trying to make an affordable DIY kit available to the general public for this abstract speaker concept. It uses vibrations in the plasma arc to produces different pitches.Playing here is the theme from Portal 2! Check them out on Kickstarter at the source link below!

Source: StudentRND

Free Movie Streaming - Cuevana

Everyone is always trying to find a place to get movies for free without getting viruses. This relatively new website Cuevana streams movies online for free after you download their extension for the Google Chrome web browser! The extension is a trusted file, so don't have any apprehension to downloading it. They keep a great selection of movies that coincides with current releases. What's the catch? The website is in Spanish so you'll have to use a browser like Google Chrome or Firefox that can translate the page to English. The movies play in English though with optional Spanish subtitles. HD streaming too! Check out the source link below for yourself, everyone loves this site!

Source: Cuevana

Samsung Flexible AMOLED Concept Design

Check out this cool concept from Samsung. Screens like this are already being developed but they are no where near this type of functionality so don't get your hopes up yet!

Source: YouTube User: Akiredsil